Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Best bargain at Mayfair..and still around in June

15 dollars .....and worth every penny

gets you:

30 minutes on the paddle boat...go for the Bigger Vessel if you have a 3 1/2 and 6 1/2 year old son...with foam swords ...pretending to be Pirates of the Cedar Beach Carribbean...

Monday...the wind was perfect..there was a nice 3 inch chop out at sea.....we saw a turtle and the duck poop was at an all-time low....

we ran out of provisions 21 minutes into the & water were scarce...I only had 27 food tickets when we shoved there was only enough food for the smallest boy...

and the wind blew the sugar off his funnel cakes into the frothy foam of the open sea....

I think you get the picture.....


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