Thursday, May 8, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Boomers

it's two weeks away..after 20 years....Indiana Jones and the skull thing....

It's gonna be HUGE...again

something for everyone. and of course the 40 and 50 somethings will cheer on the 60 something

the teens and 20 somethings will cheer on the 20 something


Bernie O'Hare said...

I can't wait. my granson has already seen the first three. He never knew what a Nazi was until he saw Indiana Jones.

wcgillian said...

I am looking forward to this movie as well. I have a great photo of my sister and Karen Allen. They were in a movie together a few years ago. It will be great to see her reprise her roll.


Ken Matthews said...

your sister was in a movie with Karen Allen? That's sounds cool...

I'm still confused by the StarWars order of sequels....but this Indy Jones makes sense to me...people are older...simple....none of this..NOT BORN YET STUFF...
of course my 3 & 6 year old and their friends don't seem to have a problem with the Star Wars thing.

vanillajedi said...

I saw it Friday night at the Drive-in... Major turd!!! Harrison Ford should have put his foot down and said no to another Indy flick... And Please don't tell me they're going to try and keep the series going with Shia Labeouf kid...

Ken Matthews said...

yo Vanilla......soon to be a 1/2 billion dollar world -wide tu**

I have yet to see it...

But UNDERDOG was awesome