Thursday, December 27, 2007


My Bookless book tour is doing fairly well. It's been a great 2007. In case you don't know reading books is easy-well for most people-writing books is NOT EASY. You'd think it would be with 876 trillion books for sale on and at Barnes and Noble...and that's just the discounted ones. Every speaker has one, every Talk show host has one- I know a guy that is in his 40's and still living at home with his parents!- he's even written a book ! I have NO EXCUSE. I've had the time! My goodness...I just got fired for the 7th time ...15 months ago. I've got the material. I have notes out the whazoo......chapters......notebooks.....speeches....class lessons...
NO STINKIN' BOOK. Perhaps I could do a brochure Tour- sounds so Euro.....I could put a 1-800 # on it..... My office is such a pig-pen... I can't even tell my kids to pick up their room.

Last week my former agent was nice enough to buy me lunch in the city (no NOT Allentown)...and I think he thinks I'm nuts.....I could see it in his eyes. I mean nuts in a good way. But I have to say it was the best lunch I ever had. I told him about the book I'm writing in my head from the notes on my floor and how my professional speaking career was going ...I can't remember if that was before or after we ordered our salads.....

Anyway, before he even arrived, I had this great conversation with the waiter about how his 10 year-old son now living in Texas was involved in this O Henry festival near Crawford -he was going to visit him-mom has custody- so he was reading all this O Henry so they could share in it this weekend. So cool. By the way O Henry was born 9-11 1862, his real name is William Sidney Porter. This waiter was so well read and sharp as a tack- He'll write a book before too long! On the subway I scribbled( IN MY HEAD) a couple more chapters of my book before getting to where I had parked my car. The drive home is always fertile "writing" ground...Jersey Turnpike-78W

I bring up our waiter because when I aksed him how he was doing when I walked in the restaurant, he said:
"I've never had it so good"

When was the last time anyone said that to you? When was the last time you said it? felt it? believed it?

I felt it when I left the restaurant, I feel it when I get up every morning.

...and I'm glad my friend was nice enough to pay for lunch AND THE TIP.


river said...

Ken , that is funny. Every day someone in politics is writing a book, and I will bet 90 % of the book is written by someone. Then people stand in line to pay $29.95 to buy the writtenless book by a non writing author for a non printed in America book printed in Tibet at a cost of 30 cents each. If you don't want that you can also stand in line for 6 hours for the same book for a $50 bill or perhaps $100 with an autographed signature of the nonauthor that will be worth about 25 cents at the next yard sale you see next spring :):)

Unknown said...

Well, that's good news, because we all know about the times Ken tipped the waitresses at Olive Garden a big $0.