Tuesday, August 17, 2010

AMERICA STILL HELD HOSTAGE.......by political correctness of radical Islam

Yesterday during a discussion on Facebook about the mosque at ground zero, a guy named ***** took the same fall back position about radical Islam that we've been hearing since before 9-11. And that position is that all religions kill and have killed for years..and that all gods are the same.

I pointed out that globally that's not the case- it's just the radical Islam kinds that behave that way. Cutting off real human heads- all the time , strapping the bombs to children, blowing up as many innocents as they possibly can everyday- And here in the USA...well it's the radical Islam kind....where that same religion disguises itself as one thing to shoot up an American military base.
But when it comes to "The media's Religion of Peace", it's tough to get a fact in edgewise. Maybe AMERICANS are afraid to discuss this simply because not all of us own or can afford a bomb-sniffing dog. Let's face it, Talk trash about Jesus, the son of my God and most people just blow it off. Talk trash about The Qura'n and some people might BLOW YOU UP. Even agnostics are careful not to offend ALLAH.

The next time someone supports Sharia Law and claims it carries the weight of our U.S. Constituion, explain to them that THIS IS AMERICA. But offer them a chance to live under Sharia Law for a couple months.

I found nothing in the Torah or the Bible about those Gods killing all who cover the earth that don't convert or become slaves. But in the Qura'n there are specific instructions.

Me- I find that VERY ANTI-AMERICAN. Not wanting my family's head cut off because I love Jesus. My debate buddy ****** thought that made me a bigot. I guess 9-11-01 was a historical blip for too many people. The fact that so many people speak on this subject and have read one piece of history is...well it's a shame for AMERICA.

Read the news. It's tragic. But it's our country not Allah's. Since 9-11 I've heard people claim that the Bible, the Torah and the Qura'n are all the same. THEN THE BOOK STORE RIPPED ME OFF 'CAUSE MY COPIES ARE ALL DIFFERENT. But as long as we're talking about books ,the religion of peace and how people are afraid to talk about it at cocktail partys, press conferences and elections:

here are some interesting things to look up on your own.

Sura 2 :106

Sura 16:101

Sura 17:86



What a shame it would be after all the sacrifice of Americans and other military around the world, if Radical Islam dictates the NEW POLITICAL CORRECTNESS IN AMERCA. And we continue to let it happen. The only thing getting hijacked is our country...and we're too "whatever" to speak up.

1 comment:

OneifbyLandRider said...

Looks like a whole lot of smoke and mirrors. Instead of "This is the Word", it's more "This is the word, until we change the word".